Privacy Policy

It’s good of you to read this document! This is MailBlue B.V.’s privacy and cookie statement.

MailBlue is a reseller partner of ActiveCampaign. You can get email marketing software from us. Our services are offered through our website This privacy and cookie statement applies to all products, services and activities of MailBlue. MailBlue is committed to protecting your personal data. We are therefore as transparent as possible. So, in this privacy statement, we are informing you how MailBlue uses and may process your personal data. This indicates our compliance with the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as the Dutch Telecommunications Act (future ePrivacy Regulation). MailBlue respects the privacy of all customers, data subjects and also website visitors. We ensure that the personal data we receive from you is treated confidentially and carefully and is properly secured so that it cannot easily fall into the wrong hands. However, there are times when we share data with others because they support us in our business operations. These include, for instance, accountants or hosting companies. This is allowed, provided that GDPR-related arrangements have been made between them and us. This privacy statement applies exclusively to MailBlue’s services and products. So please be aware that MailBlue is not responsible for the privacy practices of any other organisations mentioned on our website. The Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) is the national regulator (privacy watchdog) for protecting your personal data. For more information about the Dutch DPA, MailBlue refers you to the Dutch DPA’s website:


MailBlue B.V.
Reduitlaan 25c
4814 DC Breda

Chamber of Commerce number: 68740077

Personal data we process

MailBlue processes the following personal data:

  • name;
  • address details;
  • town of residence;
  • phone number;
  • email address;
  • date of birth;
  • IP address;
  • location details;
  • other personal data you actively provide to us;
  • data about your activities on our website;
  • data about your browsing behaviour;
  • payment information;
  • social media account names.


Special and/or sensitive personal data

We do not process any special and/or sensitive personal data.

How do we get your data?

You provide the personal data to us via email, phone, social media, the online contact form on our website or the Blue Community or when taking out a subscription/creating an account. 

Why do we process personal data?

MailBlue only processes personal data if we are allowed to do so by law and only for the following purposes:
  1. Performance of the agreement
    1. to communicate with you via phone, email or our helpdesk;
    2. to provide you with the ability to create an account;
    3. to provide our services;
    4. to create and send payment confirmation;
    5. to handle payments;
    6. to inform you of changes to our services.
  2. Responding to your question or request
    1. If you contact us by phone, email, social media or the online contact form on our website.
  3. Support
    1. To answer questions asked through the helpdesk.
  4. Website visits
    1. To make our website work better, make searching our website easier, improve our service and customise it to the website visitor’s needs.
  5. Newsletter/promotional emails/other acquisition or marketing purposes
    1. To be able to send you our newsletter or promotional emails if you have signed up for them. There is an option to unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter. We may also call you to verify whether our offer is of interest to you.
  6. Compliance with a legal obligation
    1. MailBlue also processes personal data if this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, such as the obligation to keep records for the Tax Administration.
  7. Sharing customer experiences
    1. To share customer reviews on social media and our website. We only do this if you have given your explicit prior consent.
    2. MailBlue has weighed its interest in processing your data against your privacy interests and in all cases will not process more data than is necessary to achieve the purposes detailed above.

Retention period

MailBlue will not keep your data for longer than necessary to fulfil the purposes detailed above.

  • Customer and payment details are kept for 7 years for the purpose of our legal record-keeping obligation.
  • Email messages, online contact forms and private messages via social media are kept for 5 years.
  • Data for keeping the website statistics is kept for 50 months.
  • Reviews on our website and social media channels are only removed when you submit a request for this.
  • You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. You will find an option to do this at the bottom of each newsletter.
  • We keep the data in your Marketing Automation accounts for up to 3 months after cancellation.

Sharing with third parties


MailBlue does not sell or rent your data to third parties. Your data is only shared with third parties if this is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this privacy statement.

We have agreed clear arrangements with companies that process your data for us to ensure that they treat the data confidentially.

  • They only use the data in accordance with the instructions we give to them;
  • They do not use the data for their own purposes; and
  • They secure the data properly.
  • Parties with whom your data may be shared can be found in our list of sub-processors, which can be accessed at

Your data may be shared with third parties based in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Your rights

You have the right to access, modify or delete (or have deleted) your personal data that MailBlue processes.

In addition, you can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data if the data is inaccurate, the processing is unnecessary or the processing is unlawful.

You can also submit an objection to the processing of your personal data.

If you wish, we will send your personal data to you (data portability) so that you can transfer it to another party. You can also submit a request to us for this.

Finally, you can withdraw the consent you have given to us to process your personal data.

Requirements imposed for the request

If you wish to exercise the rights detailed above, please send your request by email to

MailBlue asks for identification in all requests so that we can be sure that it was you who made the request. When you send a copy of your identity document, please black out the passport photo, the line of numbers at the bottom of your passport, the passport number and the Citizen Service Number (BSN). This is to protect your privacy.

Finally, you have the option to lodge a complaint about our data processing with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


We make every effort to protect your personal data and have therefore taken appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss and other forms of unlawful processing.

Encrypted transmission of personal data via our website (SSL), regular backups, use of two-step verification and use of good security software are examples of these measures. If you feel that your data is not being properly secured or if you have indications that your data is being misused, please email


We use cookies to make our website work as well as possible. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser of your computer, smartphone or tablet the first time you visit our website.

When you revisit our website, the information stored in the cookie may be sent back to our website.

Cookies also allow MailBlue to see how you are using our website and how we can make it more user-friendly. Finally, cookies are used for targeted advertising.

When you visit our website for the first time, you will see a pop-up with a cookie notification. Once you click on “agree”, you consent to us using all cookies and similar techniques.

Functional cookies

By installing functional cookies, MailBlue makes it easier for you to visit our website You do not have to enter the same information every time because your user preferences stay saved. No consent is required for installing functional cookies as they have little or no impact on your privacy.

Analytical cookies

We use site tracking to gain an understanding of the number of visitors to our website and how visitors use our website. We install analytical cookies through our website. These analytical cookies have little impact on your privacy because the data we collect is anonymised. 

Social media

To make it easy for you to contact us and share content via social media, our website contains social media buttons from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and possibly other platforms.

We therefore recommend reading the privacy and cookie statements of those social media channels to know how they deal with privacy.

Personalised advertising

We use tracking cookies to offer an improved service to our website visitors online and show relevant advertisements of our services. For example, through a Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics, we can see which services you are viewing on our website and we can show advertisements that might interest you, using the options the Facebook and Google advertising platforms have to offer.

Links to websites

Our website contains links to external websites. Clicking on a link will take you to a website outside External websites may use cookies. We encourage you to read the privacy statement of the relevant website to know how they deal with your privacy.

Disabling and deleting cookies

If you do not want MailBlue to use cookies, you can disable and delete cookies via your computer’s browser settings. You can also specify that certain cookies should not be installed. Finally, you can make your choice in the cookie notification. However, by disabling and/or deleting cookies, our website may no longer work at its best.

Amendments and privacy and cookie statement

This privacy and cookie statement was most recently amended on 4 March 2024. If our operating methods change, we are required to amend this privacy and cookie statement as well. The new privacy and cookie statement is always published on our website.