Collect information from visitors, leads, and customers.

With forms, you easily gather contacts or gather in detail information about your contacts that you can use effectively. Automate your customer journey and increase your reach and conversion.

Try MailBlue for free for 14 days (no payment details required)

Add forms in just a few clicks

Forms can be easily added to your website, social media or campaign with just a few clicks. Use the automatically generated code to embed your form seamlessly onto your website. Just copy, paste, and start collecting data!

It’s all in the… data!

The more relevant your communications become, the more engaged your audience feels. This is not only logical but also increasingly important in a world where we are bombarded with advertising. Recognition through personalization is therefore more necessary than ever.

Thanks to tools like forms, contacts can fill in and update their information. This allows you to add specific and relevant questions to your signup form or ask contacts to provide additional details through a campaign. If you make your form feel like a sort of quiz, contacts will be even more inclined to provide you with this information. Make sure it is clear what is in it for your contacts and / or customers.

Automate your customer journey

Your contacts are most engaged right after they’ve provided their contact information. With MailBlue signup forms, you can immediately activate appropriate follow-up actions. By linking your form to an automation, you ensure that contacts who sign up are automatically put into a follow-up sequence. You give them a good first impression, build trust, and perhaps even address any doubts with smart campaigns that are automatically sent.

Forms come in different, well, forms

Not every page requires the same form. For that reason, you can choose from 4 types of forms, each displayed in a different way.

Select a form and customize its layout yourself. Easily add images and change colors, so the form seamlessly integrates with your website.

MailBlue inschrijfformulieren image

Inline formulier

MailBlue inschrijfformulieren image

Floating bar

MailBlue inschrijfformulieren image

Floating box

MailBlue inschrijfformulieren image

Pop-up (modal)

Stay up to date with update forms.

Your contact has been on the list for a while, but certain important information is still missing. Or the contact is now entering a phase where certain details become crucial. This is where update forms come in handy. The more comprehensive the profile of the contact, the more personalized your approaches can be. With update forms, you can enrich contact profiles at any time. This way, your signup form doesn’t need to contain ‘unnecessary’ questions, and you can supplement the profile when it’s most suitable in your customer journey.

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