MailBlue 💙 Privacy

At MailBlue, we consider the privacy and security of our customers’ data to be of utmost importance. For this reason, we undergo an annual audit conducted by the company Privacy Verified (a subsidiary of ICT Recht). During this audit, Privacy Verified assesses MailBlue on the following points:

  • Website & cookie usage
  • Internal documents, such as the Privacy Policy, data processing agreement, and more
  • Evaluation of whether the offered service/application complies with the GDPR
  • Assessment of internal processes concerning privacy
  • Certification in the supply chain

Only when all the above points meet the requirements of Privacy Verified, do they issue the Privacy Verified certificate. This certificate is valid for 1 year due to the significant developments in laws and regulations.

More information about MailBlue & Privacy

If you have further questions about MailBlue and what MailBlue does to protect the privacy and data of our customers, please also refer to our privacy policy and data processing agreement.