Choose your CRM
With the Sales CRM you collect all your customer data in one place and effortlessly link it to the powerful automations of MailBlue.
CRM Essentials
MailBlue CRM relieves you and your colleagues of many manual tasks and automates your sales processes.
Pipeline, accounts & deal management
Sales Automations
Lead scoring on deals
Task management
CRM Reports
€ 39,00
per month
Billed yearly
Billed monthly
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Advanced CRM
MailBlue CRM takes many manual tasks off your hands and those of your colleagues.
Alles uit CRM Essentials
1:1 email
Send automated 1-to-1 emails through a connection with your personal email address to maximize sales engagement.
Win Probability
Automatically calculate the win probability of deals based on existing data from previously won and lost deals in the MailBlue CRM.
Sentiment Analysis
Sentimentanalyse maakt gebruik van machine learning (AI) om te bepalen of een tekst positief, negatief of neutraal is. Je kunt sentimentanalyse inzetten om snel inzicht te krijgen in de impact van je interacties met klanten, automatiseringen te activeren als een sentiment verandert en je contacten te segmenteren.
€ 68,00
per month
Billed yearly
Billed monthly
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