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Transactional emails

Transactional email is a commonly used form of online communication, but many people are not familiar with this term. Transactional emails are messages that are automatically sent when a user performs a certain action on a website or in an app. For example, when you forget your password. Transactional emails are sent with certainty compared to regular emails. This is because the user has requested them and needs them immediately. If you forget your password, you just want to receive your reset as quickly as possible. It’s important, therefore, that these emails are sent promptly. Emails sent as part of a marketing campaign are aimed at a large group and are sent at the same time. Transactional emails are specifically for a user who has performed a certain action at that moment.

MailBlue x Postmark

MailBlue x Postmark

Postmark is an email service that MailBlue recently started offering for sending transactional emails. If you want to send transactional emails with MailBlue, it’s important to create a Postmark account and link the Postmark add-on with MailBlue. Then, you can design your transactional emails using the email editor of MailBlue. Easily incorporate your branding into your emails without complicated HTML. With the integration of Postmark and MailBlue, you have all your customer contact emails in one software program. This creates clarity and supports marketing and sales in seamless cooperation.

Insight and optimization with clear reporting

At the end of the day, we all want to know how well something has worked, especially when it comes to sending essential emails. In the reports provided by Postmark, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of all statistics. Data such as open and click rates, as well as any bounces, are displayed in a clear format. Postmark stores the complete message history for each email for up to 45 days. If you find this too much or too little, you can even adjust it yourself with a margin of 0 to 365 days. In addition to storing data such as the open rate, you can also see why an email did not reach its recipient. Was the recipient’s inbox too full, was there a simple typo, or did the email bounce for another reason? This is useful information if you receive a message from your customer about not receiving a password reset. So, you can use reports not only for optimizations in your automations but also to assist customers more effectively.

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4 use cases for
transactional emails

As an online business, transactional emails are indispensable. Without these types of emails, nobody can create an account, and nobody receives an order confirmation. Additionally, you want someone to receive an email immediately when they, for example, want to reset their password, otherwise, you’ll simply lose your customer.

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Emails for managing accounts and login information

For example: Account created, welcome email, password change, 2-step authentication, trial period expiration, or login links.

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Emails related to the payment process

For example: Invoices, failed payment, credit card expiration, or subscription cancellations.

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Emails sent in a specific situation

For example: Notification for a new comment, reminders for a webinar or event, shipment confirmations, or brief updates.

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Emails containing requested information

For example: The requested lead magnet, a return label, or details about a specific booking.

Functional emails also provide marketing opportunities

Perhaps it crossed your mind: “Could a small sprinkle of marketing in these functional emails hurt?” Good question! The answer is: “No.” In fact, there are opportunities for your business here, because the open rate of functional emails is much higher. People want these emails and request them for a reason, so it’s logical that the majority of contacts open the email. Unfortunately, many companies approach transactional email as nothing more than a functional message with no further attention paid to it. It contains strange translations, no formatting, and even lacks the company logo. A missed opportunity. By making transactional emails more engaging and valuable, they contribute even more to maintaining the relationship with the (potential) customer.

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