Marketing automations - like hiring a marketing team

Save valuable time and let automations handle all your marketing activities automatically. Fully personalized and sent at the right time.

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Smart automations for a Premier League customer experience

The time-saving aspect of automating your marketing activities is clear. The days of manually composing emails or endlessly executing marketing actions are over. You might think all this automated work makes the experience impersonal for your customer. Nothing could be further from the truth. By cleverly using Marketing Automation, you can create workflows that actually enhance the customer experience. Each contact receives the right message at the right time. This way, you stay engaged, and your target audience gets exactly what they need when they need it. You can’t get a better customer experience than that.

Visual automations for a crystal clear overview

Setting up an automation is actually not as complicated as you might think. MailBlue’s visual editor is designed to be user-friendly for everyone, whether you’re technical or not. Pictures, symbols, and clear instructions make you familiar with the world of automations in no time. Even if you’re less creative or less knowledgeable about marketing, you can choose from 850+ templates that can be loaded with just a few clicks.

Automated, but personal as ever

Imagine receiving an email about a product you’ve already purchased. Annoying, isn’t it? Or getting a generic email that could apply to almost everyone in the country. Would you feel valued and special in that case? We don’t think so.

Fortunately, with Marketing Automation, you can not only automatically send your emails but also ensure that they reach the right contacts. Segmentation and personalization options ensure that you only send relevant content to your contacts. Customers want to feel appreciated by the brands from which they buy products or services. This is where Marketing Automation excels: offering appropriate value to each segment of your audience. So, from now on, you can send content about loyal four-legged friends exclusively to dog lovers and spare cat people from these emails.

CRM x Marketing Automation

With MailBlue CRM, you gather all valuable customer information in one central place and can follow up on leads at the right moment. Whether it’s email contact, a phone call, or a visit, you keep everything organized. How great would it be if you could fully automate this aspect as well? Automatically send notifications to the sales team, tasks to the system and the right content to warm leads. Acquiring customers has never been smoother.

Start your customer journey

You’re about to shape your customer journey, automatically follow up with contacts, and turn them into ambassadors. But where do you start, and based on which action do you put your contacts on a ‘one-way journey’? Some people have downloaded an e-book, others have booked a free consultation, and yet another has subscribed to the newsletter. These people may have ended up on your email list with different expectations and needs. It’s important to provide them with the right expectations through the appropriate emails.

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Download of a giveaway

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And many

Integrate your favorite tools to enrich customer profiles

With MailBlue, you have the ability to connect more than 850 different tools to your account. This allows you to gather all your data in one place, greatly enhancing your ability to address your contacts personally and integrate your favorite tools directly into your marketing efforts. For example, you can connect Shopify to forward order statuses or Calendly to synchronize your calendar.

MailBlue koppeling overzicht

From visitor to ambassador

As an organization, there’s nothing you want more than turning visitors into customers. But it’s crucial to understand the journey visitors take before they actually become customers. In other words, how do customers become customers? This journey is called the customer journey. By mapping it out and going the extra mile, you not only create more customers but also turn existing customers into ambassadors. If you automate your entire customer journey, visitors are automatically guided to becoming ambassadors. It hardly gets any better than that.

Follow your contacts every step of the way

Comprehensive reports are available for all the automations you’ve built within your account. These reports include the number of people who have interacted and how many contacts have completed the automation. Want to know how successful your automation is? That’s possible too. In the reports tab, you can also see the number of goals and success percentages. Because setting these goals is very flexible, it gives you the freedom to take charge. Set a goal for your automation, track progress, and optimize it to shape the best possible version.

Send your first campaign today!

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