Simplifying Email Marketing for individuals and teams

With MailBlue, you have complete control over your email marketing activities. Whether you’re a freelancer or part of the marketing team of a large organization. Our user-friendly software enables you to fully manage your marketing strategy by yourself.

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As concise or detailed as you like

Are you going for multiple, extensive automations that really take everything off your hands for your business? Or do you just want to set up a welcome funnel? Whatever you choose, you can make your email marketing (automation) as concise or detailed as you wish. By taking the reins yourself, no one but you decides what your marketing strategy will look like. Need some strategic advice? We’re of course happy to help!

Keeping it simple, yet sophisticated

Comprehensive software often becomes complicated quickly because keeping things simple and user-friendly is much harder than making them (unnecessarily) complicated. Fortunately, we at MailBlue have a good handle on this. To offer you the best experience, we like to keep our software simple. It is designed to be visual and clear. Email campaigns are easily shaped thanks to the drag-and-drop builder, and automations are straightforward to set up. Without any knowledge of coding or design, you can create the most beautiful (and effective) email campaigns, set up marketing automations in no time, and read organized reports on the performance of your marketing efforts.

The benefits of email marketing automation for your business

Get the most out of your webshop

Our tip for the e-commerce industry? Integrate your webshop and/or payment system with MailBlue! By connecting both software, you gather insights about your customers and their purchasing behavior neatly in your MailBlue account. You can then use this information to approach contacts in a targeted manner. For instance, set up an ‘abandoned shopping cart’ automation to convert interested visitors into customers, or use personalized content to encourage repeat purchases based on interests or previous purchases. Additionally, you can use the software to measure satisfaction after a certain period or to request reviews. Through integration, you combine the best of both systems, staying top of mind with your audience while simultaneously increasing the chance of revenue growth.

Automate your sales processes

It’s crucial to gather leads for your business and transform them into customers. With MailBlue’s CRM system, you can easily keep track of all leads and create tasks to follow up with them effectively. Think of scheduling a call or providing a demo!

Once leads become customers, you can monitor their activities and reward them using lead scoring. Lead scoring contributes to customer loyalty and allows you to provide them with personalized discounts based on their activities.

Additionally, MailBlue is the ideal platform for providing customers with newsletters or company updates. For example, if your software has undergone a makeover, you can easily notify all your leads and customers with just a few clicks.

Encourage repeat visits from MailBlue

Use MailBlue to stimulate repeat visits! Customers are “warm leads” and are therefore easier to encourage for a repeat visit than individuals who are not yet familiar with your business. Thank customers after their visit by sending a personalized email from a MailBlue automation. This ensures that customers continue to think of you even after their visit. Of course, you want visitors to come back again. To encourage this, you can automatically follow up with them after three or six months with a great offer or discount. This lowers the barrier for a repeat visit and convinces visitors to come back sooner. For example, consider offering a 15% discount code for their next reservation or a complimentary appetizer during their next dinner.

Get the most out of your (online) trainings

When you embark on coaching with (online) training or webinars, it’s important to keep track of who has access to your training and who attends your sessions. Our software is here to help with that!

MailBlue offers various integration options with webinar or community software, such as WebinarGeek and Huddle. By combining the strengths of both programs, you can focus on what you do best: coaching! The set processes handle the administrative work for you in the background.

Think of automated processes that follow up with viewers and non-viewers after a webinar, or processes that grant the right access for a training or module. Saving manual work and time by automating processes sounds good, doesn’t it?

Getting started effectively with (email) marketing

Every business is different and therefore has its own needs to address. It’s important to think about your goals and desires beforehand. For example, do you want to collect leads to attract more readers to your blog page? Are you aiming to set up a loyalty program for your store visitors? Or is your goal to increase brand awareness? It’s all possible! What we advise you to do in any case is to keep a good overview of the engagement of contacts in your (marketing) activities. This engagement is easy to measure with a little help from our software. With these insights, you can invest energy in contacts that are relevant and valuable to you!

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